Library Services

The mission of the Los Fresnos C.I.S.D. Library Media Center is to foster lifelong learners by introducing and providing access to print and digital 21st Century resources for all students, staff, and parents.
Book Check Out Policy
Students grades K - 2 are allowed to check out 1 book for a one week period.
Students grades 3rd - 5th are allowed to check out two books for a two week period.
Students grades 3rd - 5th are allowed to check out two books for a two week period.
Students may exchange their books as soon as they have finished using them.
Students may not check out books or materials if they have overdue books.
Overdue Books
NO fines are charged on overdue items.
Overdue Lists will be given to teachers regularly. (These lists are meant to remind students to return or renew their books.)
Damaged Materials
Students with lost or damaged materials must pay for the items before they are allowed to checkout any other library material.